Services Offered
We understand that every individual or groups come from different ethnicities and backgrounds. Therefore, we incorporate the ideologies of different schools of thought into our work, to help our clients get better and effective results. We seek to create an atmosphere of comfort, safety, and guidance and make sure that the therapy helps our clients to get a better perception of the world and life, in general. We work to convert your weaknesses into your strengths and your difficulties into ease. Contact us today and get yourself registered for the most effective therapy sessions.
The services we offer include;
In individual therapy, you get one-to-one with your therapist to discuss the cause that brought you here; depression, anxiety, stress, grief, career issues, life-changes, anything! In individual counseling, our focus is to make you function at your very best. Our aim is to help each and every individual to gain more confidence in themselves, build a strong self-esteem, have strong and healthy relationships, have a more focused career mindset, find ways to cope with mental health problems like stress and anxiety, improving perceptions, cancelling out the negative and having a more positive outlook on everything, break self-destructive patterns, and increase satisfaction and positive self-worth.
You must know that any issue you bring in during the therapy sessions will be explored without any judgements. In couple counseling, we make sure to make them mark the patterns that aren’t working for them and suggest other options or tools to practice outside the therapeutic experience so that they can strengthen their relationships. We aim to help them being flexible with each other and seek solutions to resolve conflicts between the loved ones.
Family counseling is crucial in developing better communication, strong connections and helps to resolve conflicts among the members of the family. Therapy sessions with the family make you more accepting and supportive for every member of the family and create a sense of bonding and understanding everyone’s point of view. We deal with issues related to the conflict between children and parents, teens, and also, the elderly.
Teletherapy is also known as online therapy or distance therapy. It is a new method of counseling in which the therapist provides psychological consultancy and advice through the internet. Our professional therapists can guide you through your problems online. So, you can get your therapy sessions within the comfort of your home. This type of therapy is an amazing option for people with super busy schedules who can not make it into the office.
If you are struggling with any kind of addiction, and you want to get over it, contact us! We offer effective substance use treatment for you to stay drug-free. We are there to help you out to identify your triggers and develop coping skills to overcome the urges. Your treatment depends on the drug used and related medical or mental health history. Therapy has proved to help people with drug addiction to control their urge and get over the addiction. However, long-term follow up is important to prevent relapse.